City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of footpath centrelines, crossings and verge lines within the City of Canning to provide a routable pedestrian network and is provided for information only. This data set is presented as polylines / centrelines. The footpath centrelines data includes paths owned by the City of Canning and some paths owned by other organisations such as Main Roads WA, Public Transport Authority and surrounding local governments to provide a comprehensive footpath network. The data also includes crossings and verge lines (no paths) to enable network analysis. The fields included in the data are: ObjectID - unique identifierSt_Name - street or park name in which the footpath is locatedLocation - suburb in which the footpath is locatedType - FP (footpath), SP (shared path 2.5m in width or greater), SP-NTS (shared path - not to standard, less than 2.5m in width), CROSS (formal crossings which are protected by a refuge island, zebra crossing or signalised intersection), IPACROSS (informal crossings which are not protected by a refuge island, zebra crossing or signalised intersection), DRIVECROSS (crossings for crossovers that create a break in a footpath), IPA (informal pedestrian access representing areas such as verges with no paths that pedestrians could still walk on).