In 2011 AAM was commissioned by the Commonwealth to obtain orthophotography of Christmas Island. The survey was carried out using a fixed wing aircraft between the 24th and 26th of August 2011. All imagery was captured using a DiMAC UltraLight 50mmm Lens camera within approximately 2 hours of low tide. During this period tides ranged from
0.5m to 1.2m. The photo frame and tide height table lists the approximate tide height for each raw photo. Using an automated process, raw images were joined to form a mosaic of the island. Colour balancing and replacement of certain areas with alternate raw images was performed for consistency. The imagery has a 15cm on ground resolution.
The orthophotography was provided to Geoscience Australia in GDA94. It has been converted to UTM WGS 84 zone 48s using ESRI ArcMap.
AAM advised that the imagery is accurate to 30cm.