Utilities data were supplied to Geoscience Australia by Gutteridge Haskins & Davey Pty Ltd (GHD) on 25th May 2001. Utilities data supplied included fuel related infrastructure. GHD compiled the utilities data from original CAD drawings collected over many years through management of island infrastructure by the Commonwealth Department of Administrative Services. The CAD drawings were converted into ESRI shapefiles by GHD.
In 2006 GHD updated several of the 2001 utilities shapefiles.
Utilities for the airport, which previously only contained data in the water supply layer, were received from the Indian Ocean Territories Administration (Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities) in January 2013. The new data was provided as dng cad file and included fuel, which was added to the relevant layers. However the data did not include fuel tanks.
Data indicative only and not to be relied on. Data may not include most recent changes.