Regional land supply assessments measure the stocks of land for future residential, industrial and commercial uses. It provides context for the land use planning and infrastructure provision required to meet demand across selected regional centres in Western Australia. Regional land supply assessments are prepared by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (the Department) on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) to fulfil the requirements for tracking and monitoring land supply, as outlined in section 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. The role of WAPC include monitoring and forecasting land supply throughout Western Australia, developing strategies for the timely supply of affordable residential land, and researching and developing planning methods and models relating to land use planning, land development and associated matters.
Regional land supply assessments are one of a suite of products produced as part of the Urban Development Program (UDP). The UDP monitors land supply and promotes the timely delivery of residential, industrial and commercial land in Western Australia. The information presented in regional land supply assessments assist State Government agencies, utility and essential service providers, local governments and the private sector in decision making and forward planning.
Regional land supply assessments include key information on:
• demand drivers specific to each regional centre, including the major economic factors that influence employment and population growth, and therefore, the demand for land and housing
• zoned land supply for residential (including rural living), industrial and commercial uses
• development constraints
• recent and future land development activity
• existing and required physical infrastructure.
This spatial dataset shows sites/areas that have been identified for future residential, industrial or commercial development. Sites are included where intent has been demonstrated by Government or the development industry to develop the site at some point in the future. Sites are included based on the current, applicable planning framework at the time of capture/analysis.