DBCA Current Bushfire Season Fire Scars (DBCA-008)
The publisher of this dataset has not supplied a specific data access statement.
Typically, these datasets can be accessed in a variety of ways, with some resources for accessing data being more sensitive than others. For example, there may be a publicly available web map or data visualisation that displays the data, while downloading the raw data is restricted.
Check the access level of the specific data resource you require. If the resource is not labelled as Open or Open - Login, you'll need to contact the data publisher via the Request Access button to enquire about access.
Be sure to carefully read the licence information provided to understand any restrictions on use and what your responsibilities are as a user of the data.
Data and Resources
ArcGIS Server Feature Service (Esri Token Authentication)
API ArcGIS Server Feature Service
An ArcGIS Server Feature Service offers access...
ArcGIS Server Map Service (Esri Token Authentication)
API ArcGIS Server Map Service
An ArcGIS Server Map Service offers access to a...
ArcGIS Server Map Service
API ArcGIS Server Map Service
An ArcGIS Server Map Service offers access to a...
Web Mapping Service
Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol...
Web Feature Service
Web Feature Service (WFS) provides an interface...
ArcGIS Server Feature Service
API ArcGIS Server Feature Service
An ArcGIS Server Feature Service offers access...
DBCA Public Website