The iron Staining Risk theme is divided into two categories:
1) High risk
2) Low risk
High Risk:
The iron staining classification represents areas delineated as having an elevated iron / manganese staining risk according to data available at the time of publication. The map does not include all locations that may have iron staining potential. Groundwater staining is commonly caused by the presence of ferric iron in the groundwater (refer to section on groundwater staining), however staining is also caused by manganese and calcium. This set was developed for ‘Perth Groundwater Atlas (2nd Edition), 2004’.
Low Risk:
Generally areas away from present or past wetlands with neutral to alkaline pH's will tend to be low in iron concentration. As soil strata are highly variable, neighbourhood bores should be checked to confirm the status of local iron staining risk.
The accuracy of the 'Perth Groundwater Atlas (2nd Edition), 2004' is limited by the number of sampled monitoring bores. A high density of monitoring bores is generally associated with well-developed suburbs. A reduction in the density occurs in the outlying areas of the Atlas, such as those locations close to the Darling Scarp in the eastern edge of the dataset,
or in the southern portions of the map sheet.
This dataset was formally known as Iron Staining Risk (DOW-063)