Layer of Structures (road and pedestrian bridges, rail bridges, sign gantries and tunnels), in Western Australia. This layer provides general inventory information for all Structures on State roads, Local roads or Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) roads. A road structure is that portion of the carriageway that carries vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic over or under an obstruction such as a watercourse, another road or railway line. This layer shows the location of Structures on all public access roads in Western Australia and is provided for information only.Sourced from: Structures datasetUpdate Frequency: WeeklySpatial Coverage: Western AustraliaLegalYou are accessing this data pursuant to a Creative Commons (Attribution) Licence which has a disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability. You accept that the data provided pursuant to the Licence is subject to changes. Main Roads WA website is the official and current source of RAV Network data.Pursuant to section 3 of the Licence you are provided with the following notice to be included when you Share the Licenced Material and when you Share your Adapted Material: The Commissioner of Main Roads is the creator and owner of the data and Licenced Material, which is accessed pursuant to a Creative Commons (Attribution) Licence, which has a disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability. Main Roads WA website is the official and current source of RAV Network data.Licensing