Oyster Harbour was surveyed in March 2019 and January 2021.
Seagrass species distribution (Posidonia australis and Posidonia sinuousa) and
cover (as percentage cover classes: 0, 75%) was recorded
across 208-216 observations points across the estuary. The type of meadow
(continuous or patchy), epiphytic cover on seagrass (as none, very low, low,
medium, high or very high), and macroalgae cover (as percentage cover in
categories: 0, 75%) were recorded at each site. At
approximately a third of the sites, physical water profiles, secchi depth and
euphotic depth were recorded.
The datasets making up the seagrass survey data are:
Oyster_Seagrass - point dataset
Oyster_Seagrass_Extent - polygon showing presence/absence
Oyster_Seagrass_Cover - polygon showing % cover
- Oyster_seagrass points where Year = '2019'
- Oyster_seagrass points where Year = '2021'
- Oyster_seagrass_Extent where Year = '2019' OR PERCCOVER = 'Licensed aquacture site - DPIRD - not surveyed'
- Oyster_seagrass_Extent where Year = '2021' OR PERCCOVER = 'Licensed aquacture site - DPIRD - not surveyed'
- Oyster_seagrass_cover points where Year = '2019' OR PERCCOVER = 'Licensed aquacture site - DPIRD - not surveyed'
- Oyster_seagrass_cover points where Year = '2021' OR PERCCOVER = 'Licensed aquacture site - DPIRD - not surveyed'