WA Regional Aerial Photography Mosaic Archive (LGATE-333)
Fees Apply
Datasets are generally available for use by everyone but require payment of a subscription or once-off fee. Typically, this is due to a legislative requirement in the enabling acts for Statutory Authorities requiring them to provide a return to the state, or a commercial decision by Government Trading Enterprises.
Payment is managed by the organisation publishing the data. Please contact the data publisher via the Request Access button to enquire about access and fees.
Be sure to carefully read the licence information provided to understand any restrictions on use and what your responsibilities are as a user of the data.
Data and Resources
Esri Map Service
Access to this resource requires a SLIP account...
Web Mapping Service
This URL provides a machine-readable Web...
ESRI Token Map Service
ESRI Token
Access to this resource requires a SLIP account...
Landgate Aerial Imagery Brochure
The product description for Landgate SLIP...
Guide to viewing 'hidden' mosaics in WA Regional
The WA Regional imagery service is structured...