DFES Regions (DFES-015)
This dataset consists of polygon data showing the DFES regional boundaries. -
UXO Potential (DFES-034)
The information within this dataset is made available in the understanding that the Western Australian Government, its agencies, instrumentalities and officers will not be... -
Fire and Rescue Services District (DFES-016)
Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) Fire District boundaries define the gazetted descriptions of fire station districts, based upon cadastral information. PURPOSE: The file shows the... -
WA Police Force District Boundaries (WAPOL-002)
WA Police Force District Boundaries as gazetted -
WA Public Libraries
Information about WA public libraries including: name, street and postal address, phone number, latitude, longitude and elevation from sea level. -
WA Police Force Facilities (WAPOL-001)
WA Police Force Facilities as approved by Commissioner of Police -
Public and Affordable Housing Demand
The WA Housing Authority has developed a model to estimate demand for social and affordable housing at the LGA level. This is a snapshot of unmet demand as of Census night,... -
DFES Stations (DFES-023)
This dataset consists of point data showing the verified location of DFES Stations and Offices. -
ESL DFES Polygons (DFES-013)
Emergency Services Levy (ESL) boundaries define the gazetted descriptions of ESL category based upon cadastral information. The boundaries have been gazetted by the Department... -
Public Housing Presence by LGA (quartile ranking)
Local Government Areas were sorted by the proportion of Public Housing within their area The 32 metropolitan LGAs were then used to form quartiles (8 LGAS in each) The 105... -
[RETIRED] DFES Public Emergency Incident Areas (DFES-054)
####ATTENTION#### Please note this dataset has now been decommissioned as of September 13, 2024. New Restricted Emergency WA services (incorporating Australian Warning System... -
Safety and Wellbeing Assessments undertaken where concerns for children were...
A Safety and Wellbeing Assessment (SWA) is undertaken when concerns for a child are referred to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. The location of the SWA... -
Public Housing Tenancies: Seniors and Disability
This spreadsheet is based on an extract of all WA Public Housing tenancies as at April 1st 2016 "Disabled" is defined as one or more recipients in the household being in receipt... -
WA Police Force Subdistrict Boundaries (WAPOL-003)
WA Police Force Subdistrict Boundaries as approved by Commissioner of Police -
Households and risk of homelessness post retirement
An analysis of Census data has been undertaken to examine households who may be at risk of homelessness once those who are employed retire from the workforce. The cohort needed... -
[RETIRED] DFES Public Emergency Warning Areas (DFES-052)
####ATTENTION#### Please note this dataset has now been decommissioned as of September 13, 2024. New Restricted Emergency WA services (incorporating Australian Warning System... -
Dwelling Commencements
Building Activity, Customised Table Number of Dwelling Units Commenced (Original Series), by Type of Work, Sector of Ownership and Type of Building Reference period: Quarters... -
Children in the CEOs care on 30 June 2008 - 2017
An indication of the children in the CEO's care on 30 June in each of the years between 2008 and 2017. The location is determined by where the child is being case managed rather... -
Aboriginal Housing Services As Constructed - road_line (DOC-019)
This dataset contains linear road features for selected remote Aboriginal settlements in Western Australia, such as kerbs, paths, road centrelines and tracks. These polyline... -
[RETIRED] DFES Public Emergency Incident Points (DFES-055)
####ATTENTION#### Please note this dataset has now been decommissioned as of September 13, 2024. New Restricted Emergency WA services (incorporating Australian Warning System...