Roads (Simplified) (LGATE-195)
This road centreline dataset is heavily modified and derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB) and excludes proposed roads.... -
Roads (LGATE-012)
This road centreline dataset is derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB). It is a comprehensive depiction of the state’s... -
Public Transport Authority Service Routes (PTA-002)
All service routes and related information for public transport bus, train and ferry services providing state wide coverage. -
Public Transport Authority Stops (PTA-001)
All service routes and related information for public transport bus, train and ferry services providing state wide coverage. -
School Bus Services Routes (PTA-004)
Current school bus routes within Western Australia. -
Railway Corridor (LGATE-244)
This layer supersedes Railway Corridor (LGATE-192) Republished with a redefined set of attributes, this layer delineates the cadastral extent of the Public Transport Authority’s... -
Traffic Count
The City of Perth traffic count provides information about the number of vehicles, speed of travel and peak travel numbers on particular roads within the Perth LGA (Local... -
Public Transport Authority Rail Distance Measures (PTA-005)
Distance measures along PTA-controlled railway lines, measured from established origin points. Used for locating assets along railway corridors, and providing a common frame of... -
Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) (DOT-035)
The Long-Term Cycle Strategy is developed in collaboration with respective Local Government Authorities and aims to ensure State and Local Governments continue to work together... -
Medium Scale Topo Rail Segment (LGATE-036)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to railway lines. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. © Western Australian Land Information... -
School Bus Services Stops (PTA-003)
This is a restricted dataset and needs custodian approval for use. Contact Adam Rosher at Adam.Rosher@pta.wa.gov.au -
Proposed Roads (LGATE-130)
The proposed roads dataset, which complies with WALIS defined specifications, has been built in response to increasing demands from both public sector and industry organisations... -
Large Scale Topo Rail Segment (Line) (LGATE-161)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to railway lines. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains... -
Overview Roads (LGATE-052)
This dataset is derived from layers stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). They provide a broad view of the states population centres and roads and... -
Restricted Roads (LGATE-134)
This road centreline dataset is derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB). It is a comprehensive depiction of the state’s... -
Public Transport Authority Rail Corridor (PTA-006)
Public Transport Authority Rail Corridors within Western Australia. -
Large Scale Topo General Transport (Line) (LGATE-147)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general transport nature. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. NOTE: Landgate no longer... -
City of Perth Car Parks
This is a point data set representing City of Perth owned car parks. CPP operates 35 car parks (open air ground level and multi storey), providing just over 10,500 off street... -
Cycle Routes
Cycle Routes within the city of Perth. -
Large Scale Topo Transport Facility (Polygon) (LGATE-166)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to a single or group of buildings and associated facilities functioning together as a unit. NOTE: Landgate no longer...