Native Vegetation Extent (DPIRD-005)
A data set containing vegetation extent polygons from the mapping of remnant vegetation in Western Australia. This was originally compiled as part of the vegetation theme of the... -
DBCA Fire History (DBCA-060)
Please note: This dataset contains records of fire events (prescribed burns and bushfire) on department managed lands, or fire events which have incurred costs borne by the... -
Threatened Ecological Communities (DBCA-038)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened ecologically communities protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority ecological communities... -
Pre-European Vegetation (DPIRD-006)
The pre-European vegetation mapping of Western Australia dataset is an output of a joint project. It maps original natural vegetation presumed to have existed prior to European... -
Geomorphic Wetlands, Swan Coastal Plain (DBCA-019)
The Geomorphic Wetlands dataset describes the wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain representing two main aspects, physical classification and environmental evaluation. The data... -
Contaminated Sites Database (DWER-059)
The Contaminated Sites Database holds information on confirmed contaminated sites (those classified ‘contaminated-remediation required’, ‘contaminated - restricted use’ and... -
Clearing Regulations - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (DWER-046)
Environmentally Sensitive Areas as declared in Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005, Government Gazette No. 55. This dataset is provided to... -
Threatened and Priority Flora (DBCA-036)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened flora protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority flora that require further survey. Data is... -
Threatened and Priority Fauna (DBCA-037)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened fauna protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority fauna that require further survey. Data is... -
Vegetation Complexes - Swan Coastal Plain (DBCA-046)
Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) - Vegetation Complexes - SCP250k The dataset shows pre-1750 distribution of vegetation complexes characteristic of various combinations... -
DPIRD Weather Stations and Radar (DPIRD-075)
DPIRD's network of automatic weather stations throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assist growers and regional communities make more informed... -
Vegetation Complexes - South West forest region of Western Australia (DBCA-047)
Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) - Vegetation Complexes - SWF50k The dataset is a comprehensive coverage of pre-1750 distribution of vegetation complexes of the south... -
Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia - Western Australia (DBCA-045)
This is a polygon coverage representing the Western Australian wetlands cited in the "A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia" Third Edition (EA, 2001), plus various... -
Ramsar Sites (DBCA-010)
The Ramsar Sites dataset defines the official boundaries of current and proposed Western Australia Ramsar wetlands listed as Wetlands of International Importance, under the... -
Forest Disease Risk Areas (DBCA-024)
Administrative boundaries which delineate areas of forest / vegetation subject to the risk of infection from 'dieback' - a highly contagious fungal disease. Strict quarantine... -
Forest Blocks (DBCA-025)
The forest block boundaries are administrative boundaries by which CALM manages its Sustainable Forest Management. Formally Forest Blocks (DPAW-016) -
EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves 1976-1991 (DBCA-029)
The EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves contains the boundaries of areas recommended for conservation by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western... -
Urban Forest Mesh Blocks - 2016 (DPLH-042)
Based on Landgate’s high resolution aerial imagery, CSIRO generate the Urban Monitor mosaic from which vegetation height strata of endemic and exotic species has been calculated... -
Wild Rivers (DWER-087)
Wild Rivers are rivers that are largely unchanged natural systems, where biological and hydrological processes continue without significant disturbance. They occur in a variety... -
Clearing Instruments Activities (Areas Approved to Clear) (DWER-076)
Clearing Instruments Activities (areas approved to be cleared under a clearing permit) for Western Australia are derived from authorisations and other instruments relating to...