Black Cockatoo Roosting Sites - Buffered (DBCA-064)
Data from The Great Cocky Count which takes place annually in early to mid-April. This event records birds as they fly in to night roosts on a single day and has taken place... -
Black Cockatoo Breeding Sites - Buffered (DBCA-063)
Sites where Black-Cockatoos (generally Carnaby’s) are confirmed to be breeding. Breeding is inferred based on surveys which have recorded either birds entering/leaving the nest... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Roost Sites (DBCA-050)
Describes the currently known and confirmed night roost areas for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo in the South - West of Western Australia. This layer should be used in conjunction... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Breeding Areas within the Swan Coastal Plain and...
Shows the confirmed breeding areas of the Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) within the Swan Coastal Plain and the Jarrah Forest IBRA regions. Confirmed sites are identified where... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Areas requiring investigation as feeding habitat in the...
Areas of remnant vegetation in the Swan Coastal Plain IBRA region that may provide important feeding resources for Carnaby's black cockatoo. This layer should be used in... -
Western Ringtail Possum Habitat Suitability (DBCA-049)
An assessment of habitat for Western Ringtail Possum on the southern Swan Coastal Plain Binningup to Dunsborough. -
SWAEI Boundaries (WWF-001)
This dataset shows the boundaries of the SWAEI. -
Roadside Conservation - Road Centerline (DBCA-030)
The Roadside Conservation Committee (RCC) surveys were initiated to assist Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and local communities in the protection, maintenance and... -
Conservation Target SWAEI (WWF-004)
This is an approach to conservation planning that systematically identifies the highest priority biodiversity values and conservation areas that, combined, can achieve the most... -
Tuart Woodlands (DBCA-048)
The Tuart Woodlands dataset was assembled as part of the publication of the Tuart Atlas. The Tuart Atlas was the final product delivered as part of the state governmnet research... -
Roadside Conservation - Capture Status (DBCA-034)
Areas of WA are among some of the most diverse in the world but vast amounts of native vegetation have been cleared to make way for agriculture and urban development. In some... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Areas requiring investigation as feeding habitat in the...
Areas of remnant vegetation in the Jarrah Forest IBRA region that may provide important feeding resources for Carnaby's black cockatoo. This layer should be used in conjunction... -
Planning Units (WWF-003)
This dataset contains the planning units used in the Marxan analysis and the various outputs. -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Roost Sites Buffered 6km (DBCA-052)
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) confirmed Roost sites buffered. A confirmed site is a site where CBC were recorded roosting as part of a formal roost survey (using the Great... -
SWAEI Sub-Regional Areas (WWF-002)
This dataset shows the SWAEI Areas for Conservation Action. -
Carnabys Cockatoo Unconfirmed Breeding Areas within the Swan Coastal Plain...
Shows the unconfirmed breeding areas of the Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) within the Swan Coastal Plain and the Jarrah Forest IBRA regions. This layer should be used in... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Unconfirmed Roost Sites (DBCA-051)
Unconfirmed roost sites for Carnaby's Black Cockatoos (CBC). An “Unconfirmed Roost” is a site where roosting CBC have been reported to Birds Australia or DBCA but have not had a... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Unconfirmed Roost Sites Buffered 6km (DBCA-053)
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) un-confirmed roost sites buffered. An “Unconfirmed Roost” is a site where roosting CBC have been reported to Birds Australia or DBCA but have not... -
Hardy Inlet Seagrass Survey - Cover (DWER-112)
Hardy Inlet was surveyed by underwater drop camera observations in December 2018 and January 2020. Seagrass species distribution and cover (as percentage cover in categories: 0,... -
Wilson Inlet Seagrass Survey - Cover (DWER-114)
Wilson Inlet was surveyed in December 2017, April 2018, December 2019, December 2020, December 2021 and December 2022 by underwater drop camera observations and/or observations...