DBCA - Legislated Lands and Waters (DBCA-011)
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). The DBCA Legislated Lands and Waters data set shows all lands and waters defined under acts which are applicable... -
Pastoral Stations (DPLH-083)
Pastoral leases are leases over Crown land which gives the lessee the right to graze authorised livestock on the natural vegetation. https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/information-and-... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Geodetic Survey Marks (Point) (LGATE-076)
Contains horizontal and vertical coordinates and selected attributes of Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). This dataset is complemented by LGATE-199 which... -
Bush Forever Areas 2000 (DPLH-019)
The Bush Forever layer has been developed to show spatially the Bush Forever Policy which provides a policy and implementation framework that will ensure bushland protection and... -
Region Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-023)
The Region schemes provides a statutory mechanism to assist strategic planning, the coordination of major infrastructure and sets aside areas for regional open space and other... -
DBCA - Lands of Interest (DBCA-012)
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). The DBCA - Lands of Interest data set, shows all other lands to which DBCA is recognised as the manager, but... -
Region Scheme - Special Areas (DPLH-022)
Special Areas dataset have been developed to incorporate a number of datasets. It is to be used in-conjunction with the Zones and Reserves. It contains Bush Forever Areas, Water... -
Swan and Canning River - Development Control Area (DBCA-028)
The Swan Canning Development Control Area includes the waters of the Swan River (upstream of the Fremantle Port Authority boundary), Avon River (to its confluence with Moondyne... -
Region Scheme - Scheme Boundary (DPLH-020)
This dataset shows the Region Scheme boundary of the Metropolitan, Peel and Greater Bunbury Region Scheme. -
Clearing Regulations - Schedule One Areas (DWER-057)
Areas requiring a permit for clearing resulting from low impact mineral or petroleum activities as declared in Regulation 6 in Government Gazette No. 115 Environmental... -
Structure Plan Boundaries (DPLH-024)
A structure plan provides a basis for zoning (including residential density) and subdivision of land. This layer shows Structure plan boundaries. -
Government Sewerage Policy - Polygon (DPLH-062)
The Government Sewerage Policy (2019) sets the State Government’s position on how sewerage services are to be provided in Western Australia through the planning and development... -
Aboriginal Settlements - Settlement Layout Lots (DPLH-013)
Portions of land which match discrete land use. Both existing and future land uses are defined. Every SL-lot has an identifier number as a label, known as a SL-lot number. The... -
State Planning Policy 5.4 Road and Rail Noise (Polygon) (DPLH-057)
This policy aims to promote a system in which sustainable land use and transport are mutually compatible. The objectives of this policy are to: protect people from unreasonable... -
Aboriginal Settlements (DPLH-011)
Point and label used to identify the location of Aboriginal settlements, as per State Planning Policy 3.2, available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website. -
Geodetic Survey Mark Reference Marks (Point) (LGATE-199)
This dataset complements LGATE-076. It contains horizontal and vertical coordinates of Reference Marks (RM) for Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). The attributes... -
Aboriginal Settlements - Land Use (DPLH-015)
Land use categories as set out in “Aboriginal Settlements Guideline". Refer to https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/policy-and-legislation/state-planning-framework/fact-sheets,-manuals-... -
State Planning Policy 4.2 Activity centres for Perth and Peel (DPLH-064)
The main purpose of this policy is to specify broad planning requirements for the planning and development of new activity centres and the redevelopment and renewal of existing... -
Perth and Peel Urban Land Development Outlook 2020/21 - Industrial (DPLH-085)
The Perth and Peel urban land development outlook forms a major part of the Urban Development Program’s role in monitoring urban growth for the purpose of effectively...