AACC Regions
Regional boundaries defined for the purpose of reporting COAG Closing the Gap indicators (Aboriginal disadvantage) by WA region. The eight regions are: East Kimberley; West... -
AACC Regions SA2 Concordance
List of ABS Statisticals Areas 2 (SA2) and which AACC Region they fit into. The AACC Data Warehouse Regions match exactly to SA2 boundaries. Population data (2011) is also... -
Safety and Wellbeing Assessments undertaken where concerns for children were...
A Safety and Wellbeing Assessment (SWA) is undertaken when concerns for a child are referred to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. The location of the SWA... -
AACC Regions LGA Concordance
List of Local Government Areas (LGAs) and which AACC Region they fit into. Since the AACC Data Warehouse Regions are based on ABS Statistical Areas 2 (SA2) they DO NOT match... -
Children in the CEOs care on 30 June 2008 - 2017
An indication of the children in the CEO's care on 30 June in each of the years between 2008 and 2017. The location is determined by where the child is being case managed rather...