Native Vegetation Extent (DPIRD-005)
A data set containing vegetation extent polygons from the mapping of remnant vegetation in Western Australia. This was originally compiled as part of the vegetation theme of the... -
Western Australia Regional Price Index
The Regional Price Index contrasts the cost of a common basket of goods and services at a number of regional locations to the Perth metropolitan area. The RPIs were commissioned... -
Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) Signage (DPIRD-054)
The Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) system is a coding system, designed to improve emergency response times by installing signs with unique numbers at beach access points. These... -
Soil Landscape Mapping - Best Available (DPIRD-027)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the best available scale (Version 05.02). It is a compilation of various surveys at different scales varying between... -
2 metre contours (DPIRD-072)
Interpolated contours lines at 2 metre intervals produced by DPIRD (formerly DAFWA) from the Land Monitor project (1998-2000) DEM based on a 10 metre grid. This data set does... -
Pre-European Vegetation (DPIRD-006)
The pre-European vegetation mapping of Western Australia dataset is an output of a joint project. It maps original natural vegetation presumed to have existed prior to European... -
Soil Landscape Mapping - Systems (DPIRD-064)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the systems level of the soil-landscape mapping hierarchy. Systems derived from soil-landscape mapping (best available)... -
DPIRD Weather Stations and Radar (DPIRD-075)
DPIRD's network of automatic weather stations throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assist growers and regional communities make more informed... -
Regional Development Commission Boundaries (DPIRD-020)
A dataset that contains Regional Development Commission (RDC) region boundaries in Western Australia. These regions were established to support the Regional Development... -
Hydrological Bores (DPIRD-068)
Hydro Bores is a point feature of the location of publicly available bore monitoring sites maintained by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. They are... -
10 metre contours (DPIRD-073)
Interpolated contours lines at 10 metre intervals produced by DPIRD (formerly DAFWA) from the Land Monitor project (1998-2000) DEM based on a 10 metre grid. This data set does... -
Soil Landscape Mapping - Western Australia attributed by WA Soil Group (DPIRD-076)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the best available scale (Version February 2019) attributed with the proportional allocation of WA Soil Groups to each map... -
Soil Landscape Mapping - Rangelands (DPIRD-063)
Land system mapping for the pastoral area of Western Australia (Version February 2025). Most mapping is at scale 1:250, 000, except for Wiluna-Meekatharra (1:506, 880). A... -
South west agricultural region (DPIRD-008)
The zone managed for intensive agricultural activities in South-Western Australia. Also known as the South West Agricultural Area or Clearing Line. This zone defines the... -
Client Property Event System - Properties (DPIRD-018)
The client property event (CPE) system is a spatially linked database of agricultural and other properties maintained by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional... -
Generalised agricultural land use of Western Australia (DPIRD-003)
Generalised land use regions based on their primary agricultural land use. -
Soil landscape mapping - Zones (DPIRD-017)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the zones level of the soil-landscape mapping hierarchy. Zones derived from soil-landscape mapping (best available) Version... -
Hydrological Zones of Western Australia (DPIRD-069)
Hydrological zones are a broad spatial framework grouping areas with similar hydrology. They are used to report on dryland salinity and acidification of inland waterways in the... -
Western Australia Regional Population
The data set provides a summary of regional Western Australia population by Regional Development Commission boundaries, and by regional centres. Additional information is... -
Catchment Scale Land Use Mapping for Western Australia 2018 (DPIRD-067)
This vector dataset is a compilation of land use data for Western Australia, as at August 2018. It has been derived from various vector datasets with attribution relevant to...