State Barrier Fence (DPIRD-025)
Western Australia's State Barrier Fence (SBF) plays an important role in preventing animal pests such as wild dogs from moving into the State's agricultural areas from pastoral... -
DAFWA Research Library
The Research Library is a public repository of research produced by the staff of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA). Documents and images can be... -
Living in the Regions
Living in the Regions is a comprehensive survey of the attitudes and perceptions of regional Western Australians. -
Soil landscape land quality - Surface Salinity (current) (DPIRD-039)
Soil surface salinity is a land quality which may impact upon a variety of agricultural land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-... -
Soil landscape land quality - Soil Water Storage (DPIRD-041)
Soil water storage is a land quality which may impact upon a variety of agricultural land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape... -
Pearling Leases (DPIRD-002)
Polygon coverage of all pearling leases, pearling trial and holding sites. Data from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is provided under Creative Common... -
Soil landscape land quality - Water Erosion Risk (DPIRD-013)
Water Erosion risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Fisheries Guide - Open Access (DPIRD-059)
This data set contains the current Open Access (OA) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish / fishery / area or... -
Grid Blocks - 60 NM (CAES) (DPIRD-056)
This spatial boundary supports the Catch and Effort System (CAES) Blocks – 60 Nautical Mile (NM) Grid, in relation to the recording of fisheries catch data against a spatial... -
Grid Blocks - 10 NM (DPIRD-055)
Western Australian waters broken up into 10 minute degrees of latitude and longitude, 10 nautical mile (NM) blocks, in relation to the recording of fishing catch and effort for... -
Soil landscape land quality - Waterlogging Risk (DPIRD-015)
Waterlogging Risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Grid Blocks - 5 NM (DPIRD-057)
Western Australian waters broken up into 5 minute degrees of latitude and longitude, 5 nautical mile (NM) blocks, in relation to the recording of fishing catch and effort for... -
Abrolhos Islands Public Moorings (DPIRD-085)
Location of public moorings within each of the island groups at the Abrolhos Islands. -
Land Conservation Districts (DPIRD-029)
Land conservation district committees (LCDCs) are statutory committees appointed by the Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation to administer Land Conservation Districts in... -
Soil landscape land quality - Phosphorus Export Risk (DPIRD-010)
Phosphorus Export risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical... -
Soil landscape land quality - Surface Acidity (current) (DPIRD-035)
Soil surface acidity is a land quality which may impact upon a variety of agricultural land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape... -
Fisheries Guide - Instrument of Exemption (DPIRD-051)
This data set contains the current Instrument of Exemption (IOE) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish /... -
Cereal Straw Residues
The cereal straw residue data summarizes per hectare residue yields that are based on a average yields from estimates of five years of data (2006 - 2010), to give an indication... -
Land Capability - Vineyards (DPIRD-034)
Land capability for vineyards in the south west of Western Australia based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape mapping dataset (DPIRD-027). Land... -
Potentially Arable Land (DPIRD-026)
The potentially arable areas dataset is derived from a number of source datasets to provide an approximation of the area of land in Western Australia which is potentially...