Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Swan Coastal Plain (DWER-055)
Map of the risk of Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of ASS materials occurring within soil profiles. This... -
Contaminated Sites Database (DWER-059)
The Contaminated Sites Database holds information on confirmed contaminated sites (those classified ‘contaminated-remediation required’, ‘contaminated - restricted use’ and... -
Clearing Regulations - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (DWER-046)
Environmentally Sensitive Areas as declared in Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005, Government Gazette No. 55. This dataset is provided to... -
Hydrography, Linear (Hierarchy) (DWER-031)
Major streamlines of WA, coded with a hierarchy and are named. The dataset includes many streams in addition to the detailed Hydrography in areas where its data is limited (eg.... -
Public Drinking Water Source Areas (DWER-033)
Public drinking water source areas (PDWSAs) are surface water catchments and groundwater areas that provide drinking water to cities, towns and communities throughout the state.... -
FPM Floodplain Area (DWER-020)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
FPM 1 in 100 (1%) AEP Floodway and Flood Fringe Area (DWER-014)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Hydrographic Catchments - Catchments (DWER-028)
This dataset is the Western Australian component of a national Drainage Divisions and Basins dataset overseen by the Australian Water Resources Council. It is part of a... -
WRIMS - Groundwater Resources (DWER-084)
Purpose: Management of Groundwater resources in Western Australia. Groundwater Resources stored in WRIMS (Water Resource Information Management System). The intersection of... -
LiDAR Index External (DWER-045)
The LiDAR Index was created to illustrate the extents of LiDAR imagery and data currently Existing or In the Progress or Planned for the Department of Water and Environmental... -
RIWI Act, Groundwater Areas (DWER-034)
Groundwater areas proclaimed under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act, 1914. For the purposes of groundwater resource management, the state of Western Australia is divided... -
RIWI Act, Surface Water Areas and Irrigation Districts (DWER-037)
The Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 provides the Governor of Western Australia the power to proclaim or prescribe through regulation a Surface Water Area. A Surface... -
Hydrographic Catchments - Subcatchments (DWER-030)
This dataset is the Western Australian component of a national Drainage Divisions and Basins dataset overseen by the Australian Water Resources Council. It is part of a... -
Wild Rivers (DWER-087)
Wild Rivers are rivers that are largely unchanged natural systems, where biological and hydrological processes continue without significant disturbance. They occur in a variety... -
FPM Flood Level Points (m AHD) (DWER-019)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
FPM Extent of Flooding (DWER-017)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Groundwater Salinity Statewide (DWER-026)
Interpretive and indicative Groundwater salinity mapping statewide. This dataset was formally known as Groundwater Salinity Statewide (DOW-030) -
FPM Flood Level Contours (m AHD) (DWER-018)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
FPM 1 in 100 (1%) AEP Floodplain Development Control Area (DWER-003)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Clearing Instruments Activities (Areas Approved to Clear) (DWER-076)
Clearing Instruments Activities (areas approved to be cleared under a clearing permit) for Western Australia are derived from authorisations and other instruments relating to...