Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-217)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It represents all crown land (land owned by the State) and... -
Cadastre Address (LGATE-002)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia with an added address attribute for the parent land... -
Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-218)
Changes will be applied to this dataset resulting from the implementation of the Community Titles Act 2018. These changes will be applied 9th February 2022 - please refer to the... -
Historical Cadastre 2023 (Polygon) (LGATE-476)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Cadastre (Line) (LGATE-216)
This cadastral dataset, of line geometry type, is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It provides detailed representation of all... -
Cadastre (Point) (LGATE-215)
This cadastral dataset, of point geometry type, is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It provides detailed representation of all... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Historical Cadastre 2022 (Polygon) (LGATE-475)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a historic digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown... -
Cadastral Control (Point) (LGATE-224)
This dataset contains both GESMAR (Geodetic Survey Mark Register database) survey marks and Non-Geodetic control points that are used by Landgate to maintain and improve the... -
Cadastral Control (Line) (LGATE-225)
This dataset contains cadastral control lines that are used by Landgate to maintain and improve the spatial accuracy of the Spatial Cadastral Database (SCDB) which is the... -
Retired Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-219)
Retired Cadastre contains polygons that have been retired from the Spatial Cadastral Database as a result of ongoing subdivisional activity. Landgate does not maintain the... -
Historical Cadastre 2021 (Polygon) (LGATE-337)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Lodged Cadastre (Point) (LGATE-220)
Lodged Cadastre (Point) (LGATE-220) is a subscription service and restricted produced weekly. It is part of the Spatial Cadastre Database (SCDB) which is an integrated database... -
Lodged Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-223)
Community Titles Act changes coming Feb 2022 - refer to the Data Dictionary here-in As with Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-218), Lodged Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-223) does not contain SCDB... -
Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222)
Community Titles Act changes coming Feb 2022 - refer to the Data Dictionary here-in Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222) is a digital representation of all survey documents... -
Lodged Cadastre (Line) (LGATE-221)
Is part of the Spatial Cadastre Database (SCDB) which is an integrated database comprising of a number of datasets (layers)of digital spatial data, defining all Crown and... -
Historical Cadastre 2020 (Polygon) (LGATE-312)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Historical Cadastre 2011 (Polygon) (LGATE-295)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a historic digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown... -
Historical Cadastre 2014 (Polygon) (LGATE-292)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a historic digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown... -
Historical Cadastre 2017 (Polygon) (LGATE-289)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a historic digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown...